USC Journalism
来听听Jiahui聊自己的经历: Jiahui’s PinUp Webinar
Junior-year anxiety
“Being an English major student, I developed many skills related to English. I attended many activities at college and followed many interests. But I didn't know which area I could transform into my career objective that I can stick to in the future.”
“These questions and dilemmas were answered step by step as I spoke with Seth frequently. He inspired me all the way through the process and pushed me whenever I was afraid to step out of my comfort zone.”
Work with a mentor, reflect on the past and figure out a consistent driving force: the wish to hear and express different voices. Journalism might be a perfect option!
“The process was painful, I recorded the painful memory of my family’s downturn, my own story of being discriminated against, ect. The process was also powerful, as I realized how I fight so hard to make a difference by my perseverance and my brave personality. And by listing all the dots on the paper, I see a consistent but hidden line behind them: my voice.”
Creating the opportunity
When there was no open internship at Reuters, Jiahui still managed to get one under the instruction and encouragement of Seth.
“I learned how to target important information online, what the native speakers expected from a professional resume, the difference between Chinese version resume and western business style resume, how to present myself within the cover letter within a page limit, how to organize a professional application email and phone calls and most importantly, how to overcome my fear to step out of my comfort zone.”
Essay development
Writing is all about connecting dots and lines. Here, the questionnaire works again.
“As for organizing my essays, I also use the dots as the basic materials and organize it with a consistent clue/line: how I managed to find my voice back and help others share their voices. This is especially helpful as the admission officers can see from all my essays clearly how I realized my passion and try to turn it into a career objective from scratch.”
Life coaching
Working with a mentor is like having an instructor but also a close friend. A mentor guides students where to go, but they don’t provide shortcuts. There are no shortcuts.
“By communicating with Seth and my editors in English via emails, phone calls and sometimes face to face, I learnt from their experience and the mistakes I made inevitably.”
“I got the mentorship from in-maginative, which is so powerful for me to overcome the fear to go for Reuters internships and to finally focus on my application after the toughest break up I've ever had. This is life coaching and is especially invaluable. It feels so great to have someone who can suggest next steps and how to achieve goals when you are lost.”
来听听Jiahui聊自己的经历: Jiahui’s PinUp Webinar
“作为一名英语专业的学生,我一直在培养与英语相关的技能。我参加了学校的很多活动,也有很多的兴趣。但我始终不知道我可以将哪一个方向转变为我未来能一直坚持的职业方向。” “当我再和Seth交流的过程中,这些问题和疑惑被逐步解决了。在整个过程中,他始终在激励我,每当我想停留在舒适区的时候,他都会推我一把。”
Jiahui和导师一起回顾过去,然后找出了一个可以坚持下去的方向:她想听到并且表达不同的声音。新闻可能会是个不错的选择! “这个过程是很痛苦的,我想起了我的家庭经历变故后的痛苦回忆以及我自己受歧视的经历。但这个过程也给了我很多力量,因为我意识到是我自己的坚持和勇敢才让我竭尽所能地去努力,从而产生了巨大的变化。” 通过罗列出记录纸上的所有“点”,我看到了它们背后的一条始终如一的隐藏线。那就是我的声音。
当路透社没有公开的实习机会时,Jiahui依然在Seth的鼓励与指导下,争取到了一次实习的机会。 “我学会了如何在网上搜索关键信息,了解到英语为母语雇主对简历的要求,中文简历和西方商务简历之间的差异,如何在页数限制内用简历来展示自己,如何撰写一份专业的求职邮件以及最重要的是,如何克服我不愿走出舒适区的恐惧。”
写作是连接点和线的一项工作。在这过程中,问卷依然发挥着作用。 “在组织文书语言的过程中,我将这些点作为基本的材料,并用一条一致的限缩来贯穿它们:我如何找回自己的声音并且帮助他人分享自己的声音。这尤其有用,因为招生办的老师能清楚地从我的文书中了解到我是如何实现自己的热爱并且试图将它从零开始,逐渐变为自己的职业目标。”
和导师一起为申请做准备就像有一位指导者,但同时又拥有了一名亲近的朋友。导师会指导学生往哪里走,但前进的道路上没有捷径。 “在和Seth以及我的文书老师用英语通过邮件、电话以及面对面交流沟通的过程中,我从他们的经历以及我自己犯的一些不可避免的错误中学到了很多。” “我从in-maginative获得了很多的帮助,这足以使我克服去路透社实习的恐惧,也让我在经历了恋情失败的痛苦后,还能够集中在自己的申请上。in-maginative对我而言是一名人生导师,尤其很贵。有一个能在你迷茫的时候告诉你应当做什么并且如何去做的人,实在是太好了。”