USC Film & Television Production
Yihuan Zhang | USC Film & Television Production | Iowa State University
来听听Yihuan聊聊他对建筑转电影的思考 See Yihuan’s PinUp Webinar
From Architecture to Film
Yihuan had planned to do Architecture Design for the first 40 years and do filming for the following 40 years of his life. But he gradually found that he had a misunderstanding of the Architecture field and would like to make a change. Seth then encouraged him to follow his passion for filming.
“For me, Architecture has become too artistic and abstract to get access. Encouraged by Seth, I joined USC filming summer program. From this experience, I realized what filming is about and I found my potential. And I have gradually built a clear framework of my future expression: something from daily life, something accessible for anyone.”
Make the first step
After deciding to go with filming, Yihuan firstly informed all his friends about this decision. And he got much support and information from friends, including valuable opportunities to join professional crews. In this process, Seth has inspired and pushed him to take actions.
“Pushed by Seth, I relied on my friends and their friends, introducing me to some senior fellows in the film industry. Then I nerved myself to share my writings and films to get their suggestions. And then further asked them to introduce me to more people that might be helpful.”
Apply to the best, or nothing
Yihuan applied to USC and NYU film programs. He was rejected by both of the top two programs, just as he expected. But Seth said that it’s important to always shoot for the best.
“Seth encouraged me to apply for the topmost programs. No matter what is the result, I should always set my goal at the highest level. Also I learnt to lower my expectation but still try my best. It’s normal for me to get total rejection for the first year. But through this process, I got to know where I was and where I have to progress towards. Like for the second year, I improved my skill set and related experiences, then my products were much more mature.”
As long as I can film
Yihuan got into USC film program this year, which ranked 1st place across the U.S. He was excited and grateful to in-maginative. He has learnt a lot through this long journey of transition. And for him, a degree is not the most important thing now.
“I guess that I’m happy as long as I can film. I am just so into this field and will never give up trying and learning. I consider school as a platform and my ultimate goal should always be filming, producing my own pieces. Success or failure in application won’t change my awareness of self. After all, I will be filming for the next 70 years, no rush.”
Yihuan对自己的人生设想曾经是前四十年做建筑,后四十年做电影。随着建筑学习的深入,他发现建筑设计学习和他的设想出入很大。Seth在了解了他的规划后,鼓励他追逐梦想,转电影。 “建筑越学越艺术化,有时我会觉得有些话题很难触动我。在Seth的鼓励下,我去了USC夏校。我觉得或许自己真的可以做电影。经历过建筑之后,我更清楚知道我想去的方向是什么:就是更贴近生活,容易被感受到的表达。”
Yihuan决定学电影之后第一件事儿,是让身边的朋友都知道他要做电影了。Yihuan通过朋友得到了不少帮助,接触到了一些业内人士和跟拍机会。在这个过程中,Seth给了他不少鼓励。 “我就靠我的这些朋友和朋友的朋友互相介绍,认识了一些学电影的学长学姐。然后我就厚着脸皮拿着自己写的拍的东西给他们看,问他有什么建议和想法,然后再问他要能不能介绍一些能帮我的人。”
Yihuan19fall在Seth的鼓励下,只申了USC和NYU。被两个顶尖项目“全聚德”,也在他意料之中。但Seth强调,永远要以最好的为目标。 “Seth鼓励我,要申就申最好的,无论结果如何,都要以最好的为目标努力。但我也学会不要对一个东西抱有过高的期望,这样才能踏实地努力。对我来说,被拒很正常,我也通过这些经历,明白自己努力的空间。比如后来的一年,我就丰富了自己的实践经验和技术,拍出来的东西也成熟许多。”
Yihuan今年录了全美排名第一的USC电影研究生项目,他很开心,也很感谢Seth给他的鼓励和帮助。从申请旅程中,他学到了非常多,而且他意识到,学位学历不是最重要的。 “我一直觉得有片子拍就好。我就是喜欢这东西,会一直去尝试。学校只是一个平台,我最终的目的是拍片子,想方设法做出自己的作品。所以申请学校的失败与成功对我的影响不那么大,我会短暂地失望或开心,但不会因此放弃或高看自己。毕竟未来七八十年,都要做电影嘛,不用着急。”