Harvard GSD Urban Design

Haixin Yin | Harvard Graduate School of Design | Tongji Univiersity Bachelor of Architecture

听Haixin聊他申请的经历:Haixin’s PinUp Webinar

听Haixin聊他申请的经历:Haixin’s PinUp Webinar

Reflect on the past

Haixin followed his interests from Landscape to Architecture. But through his several practical experiences, he has found that architects’ efforts on social issues are more limited than he would like.

“Through my past internship and study, I realized that my ambition is to address social issues on a larger scale, sharing my thoughts with more people and improving their life.”

Reading Response Session

Haixin got a lot of benefit from reading response tasks and explored topics in Urban Design (UD).

“Seth recommended several books, one of them Rethinking the Developmental City of China. I was really inspired by these books and interested in those topics that GSD is covering.”

Why Program

Why UD? Why not MLA / MArch / Real estate? Haixin had thoroughly gone through these critical questions before moving forward with his application.

“After reading books and several internships, I sent a 3-page Word document to Seth, stating why I have to study UD and why it’s not Architecture or Landscape or Real Estate. Seth provided full support to my decision because he saw my serious consideration.”

Learn through practice

By handling different types of jobs, Haixin has gained a comprehensive understanding of the design industry. Also, he joined the in-maginative urban design workshop and polished his skills in UD studies.

“Seth encouraged me to find internships in very different institutes, like a big international firm (AECOM), small studios and government organizations. These experiences gave me a deeper insight into the design industry and my personal preferences.”

“The 5-day UD workshop was intensive but inspiring. This is my first time getting to know this topic of urban transformation and work on a large-scale modeling project. Finally, I especially highlighted this project in my portfolio.”

Portfolio Miracle

Haixin finished the portfolio in 1.5 months under big pressure, inspired by research experiences and the workshop project.

“Due to my tight schedule, I had only 6 weeks for portfolio development. I wanted to go as hard as I could, so I asked my coach to push me harder. He set me really tight dues. I outlined all four projects in 3 weeks and spent 3 weeks refining and polishing. I made it!”

“I guess the miracle is because I really trusted in Seth’s opinions. And finally, the offer I received proved that he’s definitely sharp. Also, I had a clear mind on messages I hope to deliver, thanks to my previous practice.”


Haixin为了坚守自己最初的兴趣,从风景园林转专业到建筑。 但是通过他的一些实践经验,他发现建筑师在社会问题中能做的贡献是有限的。 “通过我过去的实习和学习,我意识到我的目标是更大范围地解决社会问题,与更多的人分享我的想法并改善他们的生活。”


在Seth的指导下,Haixin完成了阅读任务,给出书面回答,了解了UD领域探讨的主题。 “Seth推荐了几本书,其中一本是《反思中国的发展中城市》。 这些书使我受到启发,并对GSD所关心的那些主题感兴趣。”


为什么选择UD而不选择景观、建筑或是房地产呢?在申请之前,Haixin已经详细思考了这些关键的问题。 “在阅读书籍和经历几次实习之后,我给Seth发送了一份3页的文档,说明了为什么我必须选择UD,以及为什么它不是建筑,景观或房地产。Seth对我的决定进行了全力的支持,因为他看到了我的慎重考虑。”


通过处理不同类型的工作,Haixin对设计行业有了全面的了解。此外,他还参加了in-maginative的城市设计工作坊,并完善了他在UD研究中的技能。 “Seth鼓励我在不同的机构中寻求实习机会,例如大型国际公司(AECOM),小型工作室和政府机关。这些经历使我对设计行业和我的个人喜好有了更深入的了解和认识。 ” “为期5天的UD工作坊强度很高,但鼓舞人心。这是我第一次了解城市转型的主题,并且在一个大型模型项目中进行工作。我在最后的作品集中特别强调了这个项目。”


受到调研经验和工作坊项目的启发,他承受着巨大压力,最终在一个半月里完成了作品集。 “由于时间紧迫,我只有6周的时间进行作品集的构思。 我想尽我所能,所以我请求Seth更加鞭策我。 他给我制定了非常紧张的时间线。 我在3周内拉完了所有四个项目的框架,并花了3周进行重构和修饰。 我做到了!” “我想我的作品集奇迹是因为我真的信任Seth的意见。 最后,我的offer证明他是多么的敏锐。 另外,由于我以前的实践经历,我对自己想传达的概也有明确的想法。”


Harvard GSD Master in Design Studies