Welcome to the Looper Works Blog

An academic and professional platform where I regularly share my insights, knowledge, and wisdom. Authored by the founder, Seth Looper, and the dedicated team at Looper Works, this blog is a repository of my expertise and experiences.

My blog is designed to benefit my clients and the broader audience, offering a comprehensive collection of know-how and reflections. Here, I document my journey, bridging gaps in my practice and providing valuable perspectives on education, career development, and the integration of design and technology.

Join us as I explore and discuss the latest trends, innovative strategies, and practical advice to enhance academic and professional growth.

Christine Abbott Christine Abbott

Think Editing Services are all the Same?

At in-maginative, we prioritize crafting an exceptional application essay that demonstrates a command of the English language, self-awareness about one’s accomplishments and ideas, and an understanding of academic writing. Our editors are excellent writers that come from within the field of architecture and design, so our essay writing guidance addresses both design content as well as writing structure, style, and grammar. The quality of feedback and the combination of understanding the field of design and academic writing places in-maginative’s editing services far above those of other admissions consulting companies.

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seth looper seth looper

Crafting a Strong Essay Introduction

An essay introduction is a first impression, and first impressions are crucial. Business and psychology sources from Forbes to the Association for Psychological Science highlight that people make judgments within the first few seconds of an encounter. This principle applies to essays as well. Therefore, an essay’s introduction must pique interest and build credibility. Unlike in-person encounters, an essay introduction allows the author to carefully craft their message, presenting themselves as rational, humane, and complex, without being judged on uncontrollable factors like ethnicity, gender, or age.

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Christine Abbott Christine Abbott

The Key to Quality Writing: Developing a Structure

The first step towards quality writing is developing a clear structure or outline. While there may be a writer or two out there who can sit down without preparation and compose structured, flowing rhetoric, these are outliers. The majority of us will end up with incoherent ramblings without taking the time to focus on a clear essay structure. You could write one hundred sentences of Shakespearean-quality verse; if they lack conceptual organization, they will fail to convey a strong point.

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Christine Abbott Christine Abbott

Writing is a Practice: Effort + Principles (Part Two)

Writing rewards genuine effort. The more time you spend writing and reading, the better your skills become. Writing an important essay, like a thesis dissertation, is similar to running a marathon: both are challenging and require significant time and effort to prepare and complete. Just as a marathoner must train their body, a writer must immerse themselves in their field, exposing their mind to complex ideas and language. The more practice a writer gets in organizing and expressing complex thoughts, the better their writing will become.

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Christine Abbott Christine Abbott

Writing is a Practice (Part One)

Before we set out to supply any rules of thumb or clever writing tricks, it’s crucial that you acknowledge that writing, like other complex, skilled work, is not formulaic. Rules of thumb and clever tricks do not, on their own, add up to good writing. Rather, writing is a practice. A practice is a kind of work that requires ongoing time and offers gradual but substantial progress. Unlike learning to tie your shoes or parallel park, which have recognizable endpoints, being a good writer is a long haul and you will continue to move forward, if slowly and sometimes circuitously.

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