Learning to Grow: What a Reptile Can Teach Us About Career Change


Imagine a small reptile, like a lizard or a turtle, covered in a tough shell or scales. That hard covering keeps it safe while it explores its world. This is a lot like how we start our careers. Fresh out of school with new skills and a clean resume, we're excited and ready to take on the job market.

But as we move forward in our jobs, something happens. The skills and experiences that once made us feel safe can start to feel like they're holding us back. It's as if we've outgrown our own shell. And just like that reptile, there comes a time when we have to let go of the old to make room for the new.

Now, here's where things get interesting. When a reptile loses its old skin, it's very exposed and can easily get hurt. But that's the price it pays to grow. The same goes for us when we make big changes in our careers. Maybe you're thinking about taking a job you're not completely sure about. Or maybe you're considering a career change or going back to school. It's scary, but that's how we learn and grow.

Stepping into the unknown is never easy. You feel like you're taking a big risk, and it's normal to be afraid of failing. But remember, it's in these uncomfortable moments that we learn the most about ourselves. We're not just changing jobs or learning new skills; we're becoming a new version of ourselves, one that's stronger and better prepared for bigger challenges.

After this period of feeling exposed and taking risks, you'll find that you're better for it. You'll have new skills, new experiences, and maybe even a new direction in your career. You've essentially grown a new 'shell,' one that fits the new you much better.

Life is full of these moments of growth and change, just like our reptile friend will keep growing and shedding its skin over time. So the next time you feel stuck in your career, remember this little lesson from nature. Sometimes you have to be brave and step out of your comfort zone to grow. Being scared for a little while is just part of the process, but the growth that comes from it is worth the risk.


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